Honest Marketing

Top 10 Marketing Podcasts to Listen to

Honest Podcasts Episode 11

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Ready to learn more about marketing? Then get the latest trends and insights with these top ten marketing podcasts.

We've done the hard work and put together this list of the best podcasts on marketing that you can't afford to miss. These podcasts cover a range of topics from marketing strategies to business growth and everything in between. They're all well-produced and packed with great information that's worth your time.

We hope you find these marketing podcasts as useful as we do!

Specifically, this episode highlights the following themes:

  • The top 10 must-listen marketing podcasts
  • What makes a good marketing podcast
  • Marketing tips that will get you ahead

Top 10 Marketing Podcasts 

  1. Honest Marketing
  2. The Art of Online Business 
  3. Marketing Made Simple
  4. Smart Passive Income 
  5. The Marketing Millennials
  6. Social Media Marketing
  7. The Game w/ Alex Hormozi
  8. B2B Growth 
  9. Akimbo by Seth Godin
  10. The Think Media Podcast

Want to give your podcast the boost it needs to stay ahead of the competition? Check out honestpodcasts.com and take the first step toward achieving your podcasting goals!

And if you have a guest in mind who you think would be a great fit for this show, drop me a line at hello@honestpodcasts.com

Travis Albritton  0:00  
In this episode, I'll be diving into my top 10 marketing podcasts that business owners and entrepreneurs need to be listening to. Welcome back to the Honest Marketing Podcast where you learn proven strategies to grow your business without selling your soul. I'm your host, Travis Albritton. And the reason I wanted to make this episode curating my favorite, most recommended podcast about marketing for you is that there are a lot of podcasts out there. And it's tough to know which ones are worth listening to without actually going through and sampling them all. And who has the time to do that? Well, I do, but most people do not. And so I wanted to curate a list of podcasts that would cover the whole spectrum of what you could potentially need in your business to help get the information that you need to go forward and execute and do amazing things. Here are the criteria for this list. Number one, these podcasts need to contain tools and tactics to accelerate your business growth. So this is not generic business podcasts. This is not mindset podcasts. This is not even necessarily entrepreneurs, interviewing entrepreneurs, there are lots of those. But every single one of these podcasts, you will find tools and tactics to help you practically with your business, that's very important. Number two, they are well produced, meaning you will actually enjoy listening to them. It's not just someone recording on their phone, and posting it to the internet, there's actually some time and effort that goes into producing these shows. And so it's gonna be well worth your time just from a pleasant listening experience. And then the third criteria is it's hosted by someone who knows their stuff, that they're not a pretender. And they're not pontificating about things that they know, in theory, but haven't done in practice. All these shows are hosted by individuals that are masters of their craft. And so you know, when you're hearing and taking advice from these podcasts that is coming from a place of experience and wisdom, and not just from theory.

Travis Albritton  1:59  
Alright, so with all of that, let's dig into the first podcast on our list of our top 10 Marketing podcast that you need to listen to. And that is this one, the Honest Marketing podcast. So in this podcast, if you're new, if you're not familiar with what we talked about, we do interviews, case studies, practical breakdowns around how you can be an ethical marketer online, that still gets results for your business. Because at the end of the day, you won't be able to go to sleep at night, knowing that you made a positive impact in the world, on your customers on your prospects, and that you feel really great not just about the growth of your business, but how you're growing your business. And so if you want to learn about content marketing, branded podcasts, Facebook Ads, strategies, SEO, tools and strategies for startups, as well as established companies looking to break through. All of those things you're going to find in this podcast through that lens, throwing out all the spammy clickbait tactics that are so prevalent online nowadays, and sticking to the tried and true things that still work, still move the needle, but can allow you to stay ahead of the curve, and dominate your industry in the best way possible. So if that sounds interesting to you, and you enjoy this episode, this list that we put together, make sure you subscribe to the Honest Marketing Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. 

Travis Albritton  3:16  
Now, the second podcast on this list of the top 10 best marketing podcasts is the Art of Online Business by Rick Mulready. Now Rick is a coach of mine, he has coached me as an entrepreneur, and I can attribute a lot of the success that I've seen in business, to my time spent under his tutelage. And on his show, The Art of Online Business, he works through how to how to build a successful online business without burning out. And so he primarily coaches online entrepreneurs and digital entrepreneurs, but brings on a lot of experience for traditional businesses as well. And what I love about the art of online business, and why it makes this list is that Rick just gives full transparency to everything he's doing in his business, how he's growing it, and also how he's pivoting, when he recognizes something isn't working, and wants to switch it up and do something else or try and experiment. He breaks all those things down on the podcast. So you're following along in real time, as someone who is a seasoned entrepreneur continues to grow and mature as a business owner and operator. So it's part personal journal, and then part expert interview where he brings on specific people with specific expertise in order to share that with his audience. So you'll hear you know, Pat Flynn, and Mel Abraham and all kinds of people on the show, but what I particularly like is the way that he documents the process of growing his business and shares it with you. And he's just a phenomenal business coach and entrepreneur. He actually did an episode here on this podcast so you can go back and listen to that if you're interested. So that's The Art of Online Business, podcast number two.

Travis Albritton  4:50  
Podcast number three, Marketing Made Simple by StoryBrand. Now, the original StoryBrand building a story brand with Donald Miller and J.J. Peterson who co hosts Marketing Made Simple as well. It was the first podcast for the StoryBrand business. Now, I'm a huge fan of Donald Miller and his approach to marketing, he really pioneered the idea of making your customer, the hero of the story, and seeing your business more as the guide, helping them in their own journey, which I know is a really important shift for a lot of business owners to make, that the world does not revolve around you not in your customers minds, it revolves around them. And you want to think through how can I come alongside them and help them with what they want to achieve. And so Marketing Made Simple is the marketing specific spin off from that show, which was eventually rebranded into Business Made Simple. So it pairs Donald Miller StoryBrand framework with the real world marketing challenges and insights that you need in order to properly and practically execute the things that you learn from that framework. So when they talk about, you know, making your customer the hero of the story, and you know, really dialing in a sales process that helps onboard someone into your business and build that kind of trust. Marketing Made Simple, is the marketing arm of that whole process. So because they have Business Made Simple, they have a whole education website, with really practical courses that you can take, they have an annual membership you can subscribe to and I know a lot of business owners that really liked that and get a lot out of that training. But Marketing Made Simple is the free marketing advice that they give. And it's really, really practical and actionable. Now, if you are looking for some more business advice, like hiring, budgeting, overall growth building a team then Business Made Simple is going to be a better podcast for you. But again, if you're looking for a marketing focus podcast, Marketing Made Simple is a great podcast to listen to.

Travis Albritton  6:48  
Podcast number four, the Smart Passive Income podcast with Pat Flynn. Now this is one of the original marketing podcasts from 8, 9, 10 years ago. And Pat Flynn is one of the premier entrepreneurs in the online education niche. So courses, memberships, coaching, mastermind, he is one of the original entrepreneurs that really brought that into the world. And on his podcast, he really focuses the content on serving those kinds of entrepreneurs, people that sell courses, people that write blogs, people that have media companies that then pivot into products. And he documents his own journey, experimenting with all these different industries, whether it's physical products, online products, content marketing, but really tailor focused for that online entrepreneur. So if you're a brick and mortar store, or you're selling widgets, maybe not the best marketing podcast, but if you sell anything info related education related, this is probably the number one podcast you should be listening to Smart Passive Income. And so if you sell info online, make sure you subscribe to that one.

Travis Albritton  7:49  
Podcast number five, the Marketing Millennials, The Marketing Millennial started as a marketing industry email newsletter, and then pivoted into podcasting. So if you subscribe to business newsletters, like morning brew, or marketing brew, the Marketing Millennials is in a similar vein of that. And so the podcast is essentially a way for to have long form conversations with individuals that are really knowledgeable about their particular industry and bringing that into a more conversational format. And it's done really, really well. If you want to see a media company that's absolutely crushing it on LinkedIn. Marketing Millennials is a fantastic example. LinkedIn kind of being the unicorn for social media as a business owner, especially if you're in a B2B space. And so if you want to see how they create content for LinkedIn, they also have a fantastic LinkedIn profile. But if you want operator driven guest interviews, so where the person speaking, is the person actually doing the work, they're not necessarily the business owner, but the the operator that's doing it. And they're really succeeding in those areas where you want to grow than the Marketing Millennials is a really good podcast to listen to, to get that hands on boots on the ground, insight into what's working right now. And they just all have a lot of fun while they're recording it, it's very obvious that they do. So another great podcast for people that want to grow in their marketing.

Travis Albritton  9:12  
The next podcast on our list is Social Media Marketing. So again, this is a podcast has been around for a long time, Social Media Marketing. And it's exactly what it sounds like. It's a podcast dedicated to what's working on social media right now. And the reason that's super important is because social media is always changing. It never stays the same. Just when you figure out an algorithm, or a post type that works, all of a sudden, everything shifts. And now instead of doing carousels we're doing, you know, short form vertical videos, and then you know, who knows next year, it might be long form videos, 10 minutes or longer. But if you want to stay on top of what's working, Social Media Marketing is the podcast that you want to listen to. And so this show is gonna help you stay ahead of the curve is going to introduce ideas, concepts, insights before they kind of become widespread common knowledge. And so if you or your company is heavily invested in social media as a marketing branch or a marketing arm of your overall strategy, then definitely I recommend Social Media Marketing as a podcast to get those kinds of insights in real time. 

Travis Albritton  10:13  
Now the next podcast on our list is The Game with Alex Hormozi is one that I discovered about a year ago. And Alex is just a really interesting individual. It's definitely one of the most practical podcasts that have ever listened to. And that means a lot to me, because I'm always looking for, okay, how do I get as much return on investment for my time when I'm investing in, you know, my own education, my own development, professional development. And what I love about Alex is his background, he came from bootstrapping several eight figure businesses, and a very short period of time, talking like three to four years before transitioning into launching his own portfolio business which is acquisition.com, where he manages a portfolio of businesses doing more than $150 million per year. And they span all kinds of industries, from brick and mortar to e-commerce to SAS. And so he has access to and is working with businesses in a number of industries, but has the background of someone that's really phenomenal at sales, and marketing. Because sales and marketing being two sides of the same coin, right? Marketing is building awareness and affinity for your business and your brand. And sales is actually having a conversation that converts them into a customer. And so he brings both of those expertises. And I think the thing that separates this podcast more from the others is Alex does a really good job of digging into the psychology of sales and marketing. So specifically, what are the things that your prospects and your customers are thinking about? How can you tap into those things? And then what are some unique strategies and tactics that you can utilize, or help your customers come to purchasing decisions that are good for them? But also understand like what's going on? Because, as can often be the case, things can go really well. And you don't know what to attribute it to? Was it that you change the sales script? Was it that you updated the headline on your website? Or was it a piece of content that you put out that someone discovered? Who knows? And so I think what's really great about The Game with Alex Hormozi, is he can break down those, those results. And kind of reverse engineer. Here is perhaps what you did to get that result. And so if you're always looking to grow, and your understanding of how to be a better salesperson and marketer, whether you are a business owner, or somebody in on the marketing team at your company. The Game with Alex Hormozi is a really great podcast.

Travis Albritton  12:35  
Three more, we're almost done, we got three more podcasts to go. The next one is B2B Growth by Sweet Fish Media. The reason I put this one in here is because B2B marketing is its own beast. So if you're selling B2C, if you're selling to a mass general audience, selling T shirts, widgets, iPhones even then that's a different sales process than business to business where you are networking, you're making connections, the sales cycles are measured in months or years, not an hours, and so it's just a totally different mindset and perspective when you're trying to excel in that area. And so the B2B Growth Podcast is only focused on B2B marketing. So that's bringing on business owners and entrepreneurs and marketers that are in that space, and really sharing the best practices that have worked, what are working right now. And so if you're in the B2B space, listen to B2B Growth. That's a really good podcast that's just for you.

Travis Albritton  13:28  
Now, the ninth podcast on our list is Akimbo by Seth Godin. And this is not your typical marketing podcast, this isn't necessarily going to have as many practical tactics and strategies, but Seth Godin is one of the godfathers of Internet Marketing. He was doing email marketing before it was cool, you know, and as had a blog, a daily blog has been going for a long time probably, you know, one of the biggest blogs in the world, especially business blogs, and Akimbo is essentially him sharing his unique insight and perspective on the world of marketing, through stories. And so that's what I love personally about it is a lot of marketing podcasts are going to be very practical, very information heavy, like this one. You know, the Honest Marketing Podcast, it's pretty information heavy. And that's just kind of my style. But Seth is a fantastic storyteller. And so you're going to hear stories, and he's going to connect dots between things that happen in the real world and business applications. But it's really entertaining, it is really thought provoking, and it's really going to stretch your thinking it's really gonna stretch your brain and and he has a really great way of weaving all these things together, where not only are you learning how to be a better marketer, but you're learning how to be a better human. And also, he does a good job of identifying the pitfalls and the traps of certain marketing strategies and methods and better alternatives. So if you love listening to stories, whether it's like fiction, podcast or true crime podcasts and things like that, and you want to start branching into marketing, Akimbo is a really great podcast to start with. 

Travis Albritton  14:59  
And then the last podcast on our list is number 10 is The Think Media Podcast. Now, why is this one on here? The Think Media Podcast is all about YouTube. Think Media is a YouTube channel which has more than 2 million subscribers. And all that they do is teach people how to succeed on YouTube. So how did how did that make a list of top marketing podcasts, because YouTube is coming more, is becoming more and more important in the internet. If it wasn't already important, it's the number two search engine in the world behind Google. But the reason it's becoming more and more important is because it is a social media platform that is also a search engine. And as the internet shifts more and more towards video, you're seeing this with TikTok, you're seeing it with Instagram. Moving away from images toward video, LinkedIn is about to go through a very similar transformation. YouTube is becoming more and more important as the place to go on the internet to watch videos. And so if video content is in any way, a part of the strategy for your business, whether it's a video podcast, whether it's sharing how to videos, student case studies and testimonials, this podcast is going to give you all the actual insights you need to grow a successful YouTube channel for your business. So if YouTube is important to you, if it's something that you want to learn about, you want to get started in, you recognize how important it is to your business, then The Think Media Podcast is probably the best podcast about YouTube on the internet. And they not only talk about it through the lens of the creator, but also how to grow your YouTube channel so that way you can convert your online audience into customers.

Travis Albritton  16:32  
All right, so that's my top 10 marketing podcasts that business owners and entrepreneurs need to be listening to real fast, we'll just run through them all again. Number one, the Honest Marketing Podcast, the one you're listening to. Number two, The Art of Online Business by Rick Mulready. Podcast number three, Marketing Made Simple. Number four, Smart Passive Income. Number five, The Marketing Millennials. Number six, Social Media Marketing. Number seven, The Game with Alex Hormozi. Number eight, B2B Growth. Number nine, Akimbo by Seth Godin. And number 10, The Think Media Podcast. Now if you want to listen to any of these podcasts, there are links in the show notes and the video description below. And so if you want to click and follow them on your favorite platform, there'll be links to each of them in the show notes for your convenience. So even if you just choose one or two shows to start with, to start listening to and then gradually subscribe to the rest of them all 10. Once you get to that place, and then you start just listening to episodes that are particularly interesting to you or relevant to you. These 10 podcasts are gonna give you the whole picture of everything that you need to succeed.

Travis Albritton  17:42  
We've got YouTube covered, we've got B2B covered, we've got social media covered, we got the psychology of sales and marketing. We have frameworks and interviews and breakdowns, all contained in this list of 10. And so if you just want, give me the 10 podcasts that I need to listen to, to be a great marketer in 2022 and beyond. This is your list. Well, I hope you found it helpful. Find some new podcasts, and let me know if there's one that I missed in the comments on the YouTube video version of this episode, and I'd love to hear what podcasts you were listening to. Well, thanks for listening and as always, be honest.